1000 Ways To Die Wiki

"Sneeze Bag" (a.k.a. "15 Minutes of Shame"), Way to Die #819, is the first death featured in "Grave Decisions", which aired on October 31, 2011.


Melissa was working for Robert Stone, a politician. After work, Melissa invites him to stay for one drink. She slips him a roofie in his drink which drugs him and the audience finds out that she's a spy working for the opposing candidate Bumgardner. Melissa wakes up Stone after Stone wakes from his coma. The press takes pictures of Stone as if he made Melissa have a sex scandal with him. Suddenly, the flashing lights hit Melissa causing her to have the ACHOO (Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helioopthalmic Outburst Syndrome) Syndrome and dies from bleeding in the heart due to the violent sneezing.

"Melissa played Stone like a pro. She set him up to knock him down. But then SHE went down. God Bless you...bitch."
