1000 Ways To Die Wiki

"Road Killed", Way to Die #303, is the seventh death to be featured in "Putting A Smiley Face On Death", which aired on September 14, 2010.


A nature-loving hippie who calls herself "Morning Glory" really enjoyed the outdoors. She even loved listening to music about nature in her car. She seems to have a happy life until one day, she accidentally ran over a raccoon. The nature-lover was devastated. In an attempt to revive the poor animal, she tried to perform CPR on it. While looking up to inhale, she was suddenly decapitated by a bumper of a speeding truck (the driver did not see her in the middle of the road). Her headless corpse lay next to the dead animal.

"Morning Glory lost her head, but it was never screwed on too tight anyway."


  • Dr. Khyber Zaffarkhan - Physical Medicine & Rehab
  • Dr. DJ Green - Trauma Surgeon
  • Pheobe Schraft - Morning Glory (lead: intended victim)


  • At the end, Morning Glory's headless corpse is in the same pose as the racoon corpse.

Foreign names

  • Muerte en la Ruta (Death in the Route) - Latin American dub.
  • Atropellada (Hasted) - Spanish dub