1000 Ways To Die Wiki

"Caught in a Lye", Way to Die #771, is the fourth death featured in "Death Takes A Vacation", which aired November 14, 2011.


A chemical plant owner named Andris lies to safety inspectors about his waste disposal practices. When one of them notices a pipe leaking hazardous sodium hydroxide solution, he tries to stop the leak by closing a valve. Instead, the chemical spews all over him, destroying his skin and body tissues.

"Andris was a toxic criminal, who unknowingly destroyed the environment. When he got caught, instead of telling the truth, his "lye" came right up in his face."


  • Also called "Mud Fried" on the Spike TV website.
  • The doggerel quote uses the word lye as a meaning for a deceit (lie).
  • This is the first and only death that takes place in the Czech Republic
  • Andris was shown driving a 2007 Chevrolet Tahoe while being interrogated by the Inspectors. The death was set on 2001 and the SUV was never been sold in Czech Republic