1000 Ways To Die Wiki

"Bank Ruptured", Way to Die #756, is the second death to be featured in "Cure for the Common Death, Part I", which aired on March 22, 2009.


A man named Pierre has an eating disorder known as PICA Syndrome (a condition in which people crave things that are not edible). Pierre had a craving for metal coins, and even ate the tag from his pet dog's collar. Several weeks later, pain begins to build in Pierre's stomach as the weight of the metal objects was forcing Pierre's stomach against his pelvis. The hospital does an emergency surgery on Pierre's stomach, but it is too late because the metal objects in his stomach had lacerated large veins and arteries and eventually, his stomach ruptured and his entire blood supply (including the objects) leaked into his abdomen. Pierre died before a stomach transplant could be performed. Thus sending him to Heaven.

"Of all the stories that have passed through the 1000 Ways to Die research department, this one wins the medal of weirdness."


(Baroque Death is playing)

Narrator: Of all the stories that have passed through the 1000 Ways to Die research department, this one wins the medal of weirdness.

(Pierre hides his mouth with a newspaper to eat French coin)

Narrator: Pierre, a 32-year-old French man,

(Pierre's brother heard Pierre munching something, he turns around but sees Pierre reading newspaper and greets him, turns back)

Narrator: has something called PICA syndrome. A very bizarre eating disorder.

Jordana Mansbacher: PICA syndrome...is a...disorder in which someone craze or eats non-food items. Such as soil, dirt, clay, LED, paint, glass, you name it.

(Scenes of Pierre eating coins without his brother being seen)

Narrator: For reasons unknown, Pierre's favorite snack was money, metal coins. His brother tried to stop him, but Pierre was resourceful. He would scour the house for a loose change, and scarf it down.

(Pierre's brother lets him take care of dog, he's going away from the couch)

Jordana Mansbacher: They do not know how to distinguish between food and non-food items. And what's litterly available, are metal items.

(Pierre is about to eat the dog's metal tag)

Jordana Mansbacher: Coins or bracelets or necklaces or something in the sort.

Dog: (Squeaks)

(Pierre eats the tag without being caught)

Narrator: Even the dog wasn't safe.

(But then, Pierre is in the hospital, the female doctor examines the pain on his stomach)

Pierre: Oh...Ahh...!!

Narrator: Over several weeks, the pain builds in Pierre's stomach,

(Doctor puts the x-ray film sheet to see what's going on with Pierre's stomach)

Narrator: to the point where he's forced to go to the hospital.

Doctor: (Gasps lightly)

(She discovers that Pierre, is full of coins in his stomach)

Narrator: There's catastrophic damage to Pierre's digestif system. The metal cannot be pass through the intestine. The weight built up until the stomach was forced against the base of his pelvis.

(More Serious Suspense is playing, doctor removes every metal objects from Pierre's stomach. And it's bloody...)

Narrator: Doctors at the hospital performed emergency surgery. But it was too late.

(Body Science is playing, CGI spikey metal object (Maybe a nail) scratches the stomach, the blood enters in the gastric juice, even worse, this causes the stomach to wide open and tear)

Narrator: They discovered the metal objects at Pierre's stomach, had begun ripping open large veins and arteries. Eventually his entire blood supply, drained out into his abdomen.

Jordana Mansbacher: Basically the some had to be surgically removed from the man's body. And before they were able to either create a new stomach or heal him, he passed away in a hospital.

(Recap of Pierre eating coins)

Narrator: PICA Syndrome affects around 200,000 people in the United States. Once it starts, it's difficult to cure. So far, the only way to stop it permanently is death.

(Replay of CGI spikey metal object scratches the stomach, the blood enters in the gastric juice)

Cast and Interviewees[]

Segment Nicknames[]

  • Blood Money

Foreign Names[]

  • Estomago Roto (Ripped Stomach) - Portuguese dub
  • Ruptura (Ruptured) - Spanish dub
  • Geld macht nicht glücklich (Money can't buy happiness) - German dub
  • Estomago en Bancarrota (Stomach in Bankrupt) - Latin American Spanish dub
  • Bancarrota (Bankruptcy) - Mexican Spanish dub
  • Żywa skarbonka (A Living Piggy Bank) - Polish voice-over


  • This is the second death that occurred in France and a death without seeing the body of the victim.
  • It is unknown what have ever happened to Pierre's brother after he left their dog with him.
  • This death, and Hair Today, Dead Tomorrow, both involve similar eating disorders.
  • This death takes place on the same day as Tanked Girl, Butt F***ed, and Brain Worms.
  • This death was ranked #1 on Top 100 Deaths making it the highest ranked death in the series despite Ichiboned being WTD #1.
  • This death takes place 27 years before Electro-cutie, and 29 years before Face Offed.

